As we reach January, a reminder of the various OUTDOOR competitions that are currently open for entry:



Mens, Ladies and Mixed Competitions - entry via the Bowls England Competitions online portal

Bowls England Competitions Portal

These include Mixed and age-related Competitions amongst others.
We would also like to draw some of our newer members' attention towards 2 brand new competitions:
Mens Foundation Pairs
Ladies Foundation Pairs
The eligibility is very similar to our Novice comps indoors - less than 3 years experience AND no prior National qualifications.
Often these things are missed and people wish they had entered them - so don't miss out if you are eligible!



Mens County competitions are open to enter from the County website

ECBA Competitions Portal

These include the major competitions that lead on to National finals and also the 'minor' County-only competitions such as Benevolent and Unbadged Singles - something for all levels!


Southend & District

Mens, Ladies and Mixed competitions - entry only to Clubs affiliated to Southend & District

Southend and District Comp Entry 25

Forms must be in by 16th March latest


Mark Wilson Open Pairs

Our annual Open - this year held on 3rd/4th May

The Mark Wilson Pairs - Entry Form

Entry deadline 13th April

Fundraising in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association

Copyright © 2025 Essex County Bowling Club. All rights reserved.