Winter Indoor club competition forms are now available. They are in the holders on the wall by the desk in the Indoor Arena.
Completed forms must be with the Competition Secretary by 13th October.
Please put completed forms with the entry fee in the red competition secretaries box which is under the ipads in the Indoor Arena. Payment may be made by cash, cheque or card.
Happy bowling and thank you for entering the competitions.
Margaret Shillitto
Indoor Competition Secretary
The 2 weeks Bowls for Beginners (BfB) courses for 2023 will be held on:
Week 1 Wednesday the 20th and Thursday the 21st of September
Week 2 Thursday the 28th and Friday the 29th of September
Commencing at 18:45 all evenings. Application forms can be downloaded from the Coaching page on the website. Coaching is undertaken by qualified, and DBS checked members. The course is free!