Indoor Season 23/24 News

September 26, 2023

Indoor Season - Information

Welcome to the new Indoor season one and all!

The full schedule starts on Sat 30th September, until then please come for roll ups this week.

As always, we have a full slate of Mens, Ladies and Mixed internal LEAGUES, various ring-fenced sessions for ROLL-UPs only, FRIENDLY matches throughout the season, a wide range of Club COMPETITIONS and also a couple of other weekly activities including a new addition...

Internal Leagues

We are once again running 18 leagues this season encompassing Men Only, Ladies Only and Open. As such, there are too many to list fully here, if you would like to know more about the leagues and potentially playing in one then please get in touch with the Club Office or our League Secretary Lynne Daughtrey.

Roll Ups

We have Roll-Up only sessions every Monday 10am & 12noon, Wednesday 10am and Friday 10am & 12noon. Any member is very welcome to come along to these sessions and enjoy a roll up with other members (they are always well attended). That being said, members are able to roll up any time there is a spare rink - this is the case for the majority of sessions throughout the season. We would recommend checking the diary for availability first!


We run friendly matches throughout the season, against others Clubs and Associations.

The majority will fall on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm, though there are a few rare exceptions.

All members are encouraged to play in these matches - the lists are maintained on the designated noticeboard in the Club corridor.

As with the Leagues, if you have any questions please just contact the Office, or our Match Secretary Ken Griffiths.

Club Competitions

These are available to all members and we offer a wide range to cater for all abilities etc...

"Here we are again at the beginning of another indoor season. I hope you all had a nice summer. The entry forms for the  ladies, men's and mixed club competitions are available. Please collect them from the holders on the wall to the right of the sessions desk in the indoor arena. The closing date for the entry forms to be returned is the 13th October and the draw will be done shortly after that date. Please make sure that names and contact phone numbers are on all the forms.

Good Luck and Happy Bowling"

Margaret Shillitto

Indoor competition secretary


We are continuing again this year with the popular Novice Disc sessions.

These are held on different days and times each week throughout the season - the list is placed around the Club on noticeboards, just ask the Office for a copy!

All novices (up to 3 years experience) are encouraged to play in these to gain invaluable experience of match play but in a friendly setting.


We are holding a new initiative that was popular during the Outdoor season - The Supper League.

This will be played on a disc game basis on Tuesday evenings (6:30pm).

See posters around the Club for further details or contact Tony Oxby.

We hope you all have a very enjoyable season!

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