Further Club News - January 2023

January 23, 2023

Club Competitions - Mens Plate Singles

Please note, the Plate competition has now been drawn, and the sheet placed on the noticeboard at the Club, it is also live on the website. Those who are competing, please get arranging your first games.

All other competitions are progressing nicely, thanks to everyone for continuing to get games played on time the vast majority of the time.

Potters Bowls Roadshow

Mark Royal is returning to the Club on Thursday 23rd Feb - 11:30am to 7pm.

As always, he will bring a wide range of bowls, clothing and accessories - if there is anything specific required please ring him on 07840 923544.

And finally...

As part of Edward Morris' Level 2 Coach Bowls award, he requires up to 4 bowlers for 4x 1-hour group coaching sessions. He is looking for a specific kind of player, so cannot take everyone who volunteers, but ideally is looking for bowlers who are still seeking to improve their game and their understanding of bowls. The course will either be held on Tuesdays at 4pm, or Thursdays at 12noon - so please let him know which of these you can do, if interested.
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