Bob Jack - Early 1900s Club Legend


We recently received and interesting e-mail to the Club as follows:

Years ago I was doing research looking into the life of David Jack the famous Bolton Wanderers and Arsenal player so the Southend United Supporters Club could put a plaque up on his childhood home in Hamlet Court Road. He was Southend United’ manager from 1934-40.
He was the son of Bob Jack Southend’s first manager 1906-10. The history books say he was a keen bowls player and pretty good and was a member of Essex County Bowling club. I did write to the club in 1998 when the plaque idea was starting to see if the club knew anything about Bob Jack. I received a letter from Dennis Usher your Secretary at the time to say that your records didn’t go back that far. Recently I went to a quiz night at the club and was pleased to see that Bob Jack has 2 entries on your first honours board. I attach a link about Mr Jack from his Wikipedia page which has a link to his son David whose life was equally fascinating.

Bob Jack - Wikipedia

Following this up, we did a little research of our own and found that he won at least 5 Club titles here, but somewhat surprisingly (considering the following) never the Club Singles itself.
He was however the first ever winner of the Essex Singles in 1909 and he won the National Singles in 1926 (representing Devon) - as well as playing and Captaining England, clearly he must have been an exceptional player.

And always nice to put a face to a name of a past Club legend!


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