Outdoor Committee Vacancies

November 23, 2023

Dear ECBC Outdoor Members,

There is still an important role to be filled on the Outdoor Committee which vital to the running of the outdoor season. An outline of the vacant role is below together with the skills needed by successful applicants. Bowling ability is not a requirement, nor is the need to have been at the club for a long time. Without volunteers for this role the summer outdoor season will not run as it should.

Men’s Competition Secretary; This role is open to all male outdoor members. It involves working with the ladies competition secretary to run all outdoor competitions from the creation, compilation and promotion of entry forms right through to organising the engraving of trophies and addition of winners names to the honours boards. Computer skills are required plus the ability to organise and run the competitions and their finals efficiently.

Committee meetings; These are generally held monthly during the summer with an additional 2-3 held over the winter. Attendance at the majority of meetings is required so that any queries and issues arising can be addressed in good time.

Other vacant positions; There are several unfilled delegates roles which would suit interested volunteers. Delegates act as a point of contact and are responsible for ensuring that information is relayed to Club members and the committee. Regular attendance at Outdoor committee meetings is desirable but not essential.

Bowls England delegate.

Southend and District delegate.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles please contact either the Men’s or Ladies Captains. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Dick Jones, Outdoor Men’s Captain.

Chris Johnson, Outdoor Ladies' Captain.

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